All pictures and videos on this post has been provided by courtesy of W. Bro. Rubison Olivo, my fellow brother member of the Internet Lodge No. 9659, UGLE.
Through the eyes and camera of our W.B. Olivo you have the opportunity to get in a glimpse a better picture about the fraternal dinner that takes place after the Lodge closing.
The Table's Lodge is a continuation of every Lodge meeting and brings with moments of enjoyment and fellowship while we still continuing to dwell in a Masonic environment.
These after-Lodge meeting dinners are great opportunities for salutations with toasts, short replies and sometimes for amazing surprises such as a talented Brother that may perform an musical instrument, sing a song or recite a Masonic poetry. At the end, all are invited to sing Aud Lang Syne, a traditional song for farewells.
Watch a version of Aud Lang Syne
Such a kind of environment enables us to feel the power of a magical atmosphere that will provide to the participants a unique Masonic experience.
Looking to the pictures and videos shared by W.B. Olivo, from that unforgetable night at Mary's Chapel Lodge No. 1, make me feel missing to be back in Sao Paulo the time when I used to visit my dear Brethren from the Santo Amaro Lodge No. 7550, UGLE.
I really hope to have the opportunity to visit them again some day in the future. I just don't know when!
Thanks to W.B. Olivo for sharing with us such memories!

That's all Folks!
Thank you for watching. Please leave your comments if you wish to do so.
Bro. Kleber Siqueira